Newsletter May 2024

Dear Members,

Association Meeting!

The association meeting is now only a week away, on May 29th. The invitation was distributed to everyone last week, and all information can be found on our website. Can’t attend the meeting? You can give a proxy to someone who will attend to vote on your behalf. You can find the proxy form here.

Fee Increase:

Starting in August, the fee will be increased by 15.47%. We are doing this because we have loans that will expire this fall, resulting in higher interest costs for the association. We want to remind everyone that we have had very low fees so far due to our fixed loans. So even though there will be a slightly higher increase now, we have all benefited from low fees for a long period, allowing us to save some extra money. The board will monitor the interest rate situation during the fall and a new decision will be made in the fall if further increases are needed after the turn of the year.

House Rules:

Now that summer is here, we naturally want to spend more time outdoors. We want to remind everyone of our house rules, which you can read here. These include being disturbance-free after 10 PM, the types of grills allowed, no smoking in the garage, on balconies and patios, in the courtyard, and around our property.


Things are growing rapidly now, even in places where there should be no vegetation. It is your responsibility as an apartment owner to maintain your apartment. This also applies to weeds on balconies/patios. If weeds are allowed to grow too much, they can damage the tiles and other structures. Therefore, you need to make sure to remove and keep the balcony/patio free from all weeds.


We want to remind everyone once again of the importance of helping each other with the security of our association. Do not let anyone you do not recognize enter, and do not give out the code to unauthorized persons. The board is working hard to increase security, but it is everyone’s responsibility to ensure that only authorized people are present in our buildings.

Recycling Rooms:

Unfortunately, we have recently had to issue several warnings regarding the misuse of the recycling rooms. It is not allowed to overfill the bins, leave items on the floor, or throw items in the bins that do not belong there, such as food waste. This is extremely unnecessary and costs the association extra money as we are charged for additional handling.



